All activities conducted by Teame Zazzu are operated under officially designated TZ Departments, each of which performs authorized coordinated action in conjunction with interdepartmental support units as determined by mission profiles, research orders, committee requests, maintenance requirements, unit traditions, and in accordance with lawful orders issued by properly designated legal authorities, training interfaces and partner agencies

TZ Jump and Thump comprised a week of high-adventure training

Each TZ member jumped from an airplane, landed and crawled through tunnels, conducted a mile swim, dived down to a sunken airplane, and conducted live-fire exercises

Jump, and Thump!
The goal of every Teame member is to set an example for those around them. Go Teame!


STEEL BABE: Fashion gets feisty with Mountain Division
Keywords: - Fashion - - Preparedness - - Post-Apocalypse -
TZFD & TZMD conducted combined manuvers and emergency response for a little morale building among Teame Members!

OPERATION RUMBLE IN THE ROCKIES: Multi-agency mass casualty exercise for Mountain Division members
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Operation Rumble In the Rockies was a multi-discipline multi-agency mass casualty exercise involving federal, state and local first responders

TIMP TOP: Mountain Division hikers conduct a bi-annual climb to to the 11752-foot summit of Mt Timpanogas
Keywords: - Nature - - - - Climbing -
A shack in the center of the summit ridge marks the objective, and features a view of of the entire valley below. Mountain Division members descend back along the rugged peak trail, or slide 1300 feet down the glacier to Emerald lake.

FLY FISH DIVE: You eat what you catch
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Where the river runs to lake through forest falling over rock waterfalls, TZ members stalk and try their shadowcasts

OPERATION ZEPHYR: Extreme weather emergency response
Keywords: - Readiness - - Weather - - Tornado - - Search and Rescue - - Disaster - - Exercises -
Coordinated emergency disaster response in the aftermath of a tornado touchdown reproduced damage occurring in a residential community after thunderstorms formed a rapidly moving squall line and spun an F-2 tornado. Local volunteers activated to respond to the incident were placed under TZ command elements and dispatched as a rapid reaction force designated Alpha Team.

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