
Whether it’s finding solid anchors in questionable terrain, rigging a system to fit a unique situation, or improvising with less-than optimal gear choices, there is always another unique problem to solve when you go vertical.

TZMD practices climbing, rappelling, and technical rescue skills in a variety of rock types, pitches, environments, and rigging situations. For recreation, Search and Rescue, wilderness movement, or B.A.S.E jump, the climbing and rigging skills are an essential skill. Utilization of Drones can extend a climbers toolkit in unexpected ways.

Where there's a rope there's a way.
Rather than a single rope, these rescues involve a mainline and a belay; multi-pitch anchors usually have three pieces of pro, while technical anchors have at least four; and rescuers get lowered, rather than rappelling. These differences are a reflection of the increased load size and the number of resources. In a technical rescue, you’re not moving one person—there’s a patient, a litter, and a rescuer to manage the litter, and a significant increase in load. The basic gear is a harness, helmet, cordalettes, carabiners, and prusiks. Other climbing gear can be used safely in rescue situations, such as using two plaquette devices in place of a bulky brake rack. No matter how much experience one has, vertigo can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Planning experience and equipment checks are essential, as well as developing a high level of trust among all members of the crew. Go Teame!

TZ Mountain Division specializes in conducting operations in the most extreme and isolated environments, from alpine downhill to rappelling and desert climbing. TZMD is ready to deploy for search and rescue operation and other critical incidents

TZ UNDERGROUND OPERATIONS: To operate in tight quarters, low light environments with K9 units, Drone division assets, and Aquanautics support, TZ mountain division trains for cave and cavern entry, drainage and sewer tunnel excavation, and access tunnel clearance and control.
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In claustrophobic darkness and dangerous spaces, control of autonomic response, adherence to procedure, and experience is key to successful operations. K9 units and ROV units require special handling, preparation, and exposure training to operate underground.

AIREDROP: Teame members make a rapid descent from 8621 feet peak elevation in two-man K-9 packs
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This peak hike is a workout for person and beast, but achievable even by beginner hikers. Acclimation to high altitudes and motivation are the all hard work it takes to summit a mountain.

OPERATION WILDERNESS IN THE CITY: A full-scale urban-wilderness interface search and rescue exercise in conjunction with regional and state emergency responders to test planning, operational coordination and mass search and rescue operations.
Keywords: - Readiness - - Search and Rescue - - Exercises - - K9 -
Wilderness in the city was conducted at the Coal Creek Arena and adjoining Sand Creek Regional Greenway. TZK9 handlers observed SimCell participant roles and responsibilities as indicated by scenario controllers. TZMD operatives led Team and Agency players in direct action under exercise evaluation observers. An after-action report, participant feedback report, and Controller and Evaluator Debriefing was collected to conduct improvement planning for corrective action programs.

OPERATION RUMBLE IN THE ROCKIES: Multi-agency mass casualty exercise for Mountain Division members
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Operation Rumble In the Rockies was a multi-discipline multi-agency mass casualty exercise involving federal, state and local first responders

DRUM HILL: Immediate response scenario tests TZMD readiness.
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TZ participants were delivered the scenario in the midst of other training, and were obligated to plan and engage their response immediately. The scenario tested readiness, coordination, and willingness to engage challenges.

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