TZ Public Outreach intervenes through technology research, policy initiatives, public service awareness campaigns, the fine arts, and press media cooperation to support civil liberties and encourage public discourse and civil engagement

CRASH RESPONSE: Teame Zazzu joined local law enforcement and emergency response agencies to demonstrate a typical combined emergency response to an fatal emergency scenario
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The public demonstration involved police, firefighters, EMT, and Airmed rescue transportation helicopters. It showed the aftermath of a fatal accident involving an intoxicated driver with passenger colliding with an occupied vehicle containing a mother and child.

Keywords: - Surveillance - - WAPS - - JLENS - - Singularity - - Artificial Intelligence - - Machine -
Humans and Machines - robots, computers, software, vehicles, power grids, drones - now form an energy-dependent Cyborg Macro-organism capable of defending itself and propagating. This modern global machine Multi-Agent System engages in a symbiotic relationship with humans to meet the machine challenges of energy demand, fossil fuel dependency, resource-driven conflict and ultimately the further propagation of energy-dependent machines and industrialization.

COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE: Mark Udall U.S. Senator, Colorado, to Teame Zazzu
Keywords: - - - WAPS -
" As a member of the Senate Armed Services and the Intelligence committees, I share your concerns about protecting the privacy and personal information of all Americans. Especially with recent advances in geolocation technology making it increasingly easy to secretly track the movements and whereabouts of individual Americans on an ongoing, 24/7 basis, we need to ensure that the law keeps up with these advances in technology."

COMMUNITY CORRESPONDENCE: U.S. Senator Rand Paul to Teame Zazzu
Keywords: - - - Drones -
"Although the U.S. military has successfully used drones overseas for years, law enforcement at every level is starting to expand their use here in the United States. Federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security use drones in order to monitor and crackdown on illegal border crossings. Other federal uses of drones are less defensible..."

OPERATIVE TRAINING: With good training, a properly motivated team member can transform into a properly prepared Team Mentor
Keywords: - Readiness - - -
Diverse experience overcoming challenges in changing environments requiring adaptability, flexibility, and discipling develops the mental fortitude to be ready for the unexpected.

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